Up to five channel relays with dry contacts & 5 Amp load each.
HELTUN Advanced Zero-Cross Technology delivers greatly increased longevity & reliability of the system.
The HELTUN Touch Panel Switch comes in six different configurations to fit any need:
- sexto: five relay channels, independently configurable with six buttons
- quinto: five relay channels, independently configurable
- quarto: four relay channels, independently configurable
- trio: three relay channels, independently configurable
- duo: two relay channels, independently configurable
- solo: one relay channel, independently configurable
HELTUN Touch Panel Switches include sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, and ambient light which can be accessed by a Z-Wave controller and used to trigger home automation scenes.
The frequency (reporting time) of data updates from sensors can be individually adjusted to meet the needs of your smart home system.
The HELTUN built-in Power Consumption System precisely monitors how much energy you used during any particular day, week, or month. Do your current light switches do that?
Just specify the consumption of the load in watts for each relay channel and the Relay Switch quinto logic will calculate total consumption relative to the time since the output was in the ‘ON’ state.
We have also designed the circuitry so it draws almost zero watts to power itself when in standby mode. This saves you energy and money especially if your home is equipped with many HELTUN products.
1) Each of the five buttons can control any relay output. Also, the output of 1-5 relays can be controlled by each button.
2) There are five modes that can be configured for each button:
- Invert State – when button is touched: turn ON if OFF, or turn OFF if ON.
- Momentary – switch ON when button is touched, switch OFF when released.
- Momentary Reversed – switch OFF when touched, switch ON when released.
- Switch ON Only – when touched.
- Switch OFF Only – when touched.
3) Relay outputs can be controlled by a timer. For example, pressing a button can switch a relay ON, and after a specified time it can automatically be switched OFF (or vice-versa: OFF, then ON). This function can be used to open or close garage doors, gates, blinds, curtains, locks, etc., and then return them to their previous state with no additional input.
4) Each touch-sensitive ‘button’, its backlight, and associated relay output, can be independently managed by a Z-Wave controller or associated device – and can run scenes with the backlight indicating scene state or device status.
The HELTUN Touch Panel Switch does a lot more than just control house lights. You can use it to control motorized blinds, curtains, garage doors, driveway gates, and electric locks. You have full control over programming different buttons for specific functions.
For example, you can designate the top left button to raise the living room blinds, and the bottom left button to lower them. In this mode, if the blinds are rising and you then touch the down button, the system will automatically cancel the UP command and initiate a DOWN command, or vice-versa.
The system also calculates the position of the blinds when fully opened or closed and automatically stops the motor when it reaches the UP or DOWN limit.
If you have installed a door sensor – as on a garage door – you can associate that sensor with the button backlight to indicate the actual UP or DOWN state of the door.
Using the internal timekeeping of the HELTUN Touch Panel Switch, you can create schedules for some devices.
For example:
- Open the blinds at 7:00AM and close them at 10:00PM
- Switch on the porch light at 7:00PM and turn it off at 1:00AM.
Scenarios can also be created that allow connected devices to be triggered by a sensor.
For example:
- If the ambient light sensor detects less then 200 lux, connected house lights would switch to ON.
- If the internal temperature sensor measured less than 23°C, the connected heating system could be switched on.
The possibilities for adding convenience and comfort are endless and limited only by the creativity of the owner or installer of the HELTUN Touch Panel Switch.
The HELTUN Touch Panel Switch quinto has 20 association groups, with 5 controlled devices for each group. “Basic Set Devices” (On/Off), or “Multilevel Set Devices” (Variable Position), can be associated to each group. This enables it to operate within the most demanding smart home systems.
It can also be configured to provide control and feedback in powerful ways. For example, you can associate a Z-Wave dimmer switch to two Touch Panel buttons allowing you to turn a light fixture:
- ON – (touch upper button)
- OFF – (touch lower button)
You can also configure the same two buttons to:
- BRIGHTEN – (hold upper button)
- DIM – (hold lower button)
You can even associate the button backlights with the Z-Wave dimmer switch and dim them to the same level as the lights. The HELTUN Touch Panel Switch is almost infinitely configurable while remaining intuitive and easy to use.
HELTUN Touch Panel Switches can be easily installed into any standard electrical junction box (square or round).
Installation must only be performed by someone trained in handling high voltage electrical systems.
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